William has published poetry, short stories and essays in Acumen, Agenda, Allegro Poetry Magazine, Amaryllis, America (New York), And Other Poems, Ariel, Awen,The Broadsheet, Candelabrum, The Catholic Herald, Catholic Gazette, Catholic Life, Catholic Weekly, The Coffee House, Cõnfingõ, Confluence, Contrasts, The Cornish Review, Creative Language, Critical Quarterly, The Curiously Strong, The Dalhousie Review, The Daily Express, The Daily Telegraph, The Dark Horse, Delta, Domestic Cherry, Dream Catcher, Enigma, Encounter, Envoi, Essays in Criticism, The Frogmore Papers, The Furrow, Good Elf, Harpers & Queen, Helicon, The High Window, Ilkley Literature Festival Programme: 1979, Inclement, The Independent Magazine, The Independent, Intercom, Ink Sweat & Tears, The International Literary Quarterly, The Interpreter's House, Iota, Iron, The John Clare Society Journal, Lincolnshire Life, Lincolnshire Writers, Littack, London Magazine, London Review of Books, Malahat Review, The Manchester Review, The Morning Star, The Nation (New York), Neon Highway, The New Cauldron, New Headland, The New Statesman, New Yorkshire Writing, New Walk Magazine, Oasis, Octavo, Other Poetry, Orbis, Outposts, Oyster, Panurge, Paperway, The Penniless Press, Pennine Platform, Poetry, Poetry Durham, Poetry Nottingham, Poetry Review, Poetry Salzburg Review, Prairie Messenger, Priapus, Proof, Punch, Route Fiftyseven, Sagebites, Samphire, Scriptor, South, The Southern Cross, The Southern Review, The Stare's Nest, Sunk Island Review, Sylvia Plath Forum, The Tablet, Take 7, The Ted Hughes Society Journal, Temenos Academy, Tribune, Verse, The Voice of Youth, The Warwick Review, Workshop, Wascana Review and The Washington Times.
 Whatever There Is Of Light (The Mandeville Press, 1975)
The Hollow Landscapes (Hippopotamus Press, 1977)
Journeys (Agenda Editions, 1988)
Imaginary Republics (Loxwood Stoneleigh, 1993)
The Redlit Boys (Pennine Pens, 2000)
Collecting Bottle Tops: Selected Poems: 1960-2008 (Poetry Salzburg, 2009)
The Fen Dancing (Red Squirrel Press, 2014)
The Bread Horse (Red Squirrel Press, 2015)
Chagall’s Circus (Dempsey & Windle, 2019)
The Dancers of Colbek (Two Rivers Press, 2020)
Lines and Levels (Lincolnshire Association for the Arts, 1972)
New Poetry 1 (Arts Council of Great Britain, 1975)
Ten English Poets (Carcanet, 1976)
Strictly Private (Kestrel, 1981, Penguin, 1983)
For Grandad (Exley Publications,1983)
Grandparents’ Houses (William Morrow,1984)
Go and open the door (Macmillan, 1987)
Agenda: the first four decades (Carcanet, 1994)
Outposts: A Festschrift (University of Salzburg Press, 1994)
Primary Skills: English 9-10 (Stanley Thornes, 1999)
Wild and Wonderful (Hodder Children’s Books, 2002)
Majestic Minds (Forward Press, 2008)
First Sixty: The Acumen Anthology (Acumen, 2010)
Something Happens, Sometimes Here (Five Leaves Press, 2015)
Happiland (Heinemann, 1990, Mandarin, 1991)
All Shook Up (Macmillan, 1991, Picador, 1992, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993)
Catwalking (Macmillan, 1993)
The Lost Mariner (Little Brown, 1995, Abacus, 1996)
The Freedom Tree (Little Brown, 1997, Abacus, 1998)
None of the Cadillacs Was Pink (Solidus, 2009)

Golden Gallopers (Bodley Head, 1991)
Nightworld (Bodley Head, 1992, Edizioni E. Elle, 1995)
The Joy Riders (Egmont, 1998)
Esme’s Owl (Egmont, 1999)
The Stowaway (Egmont, 2001)
Great Expectations: a retelling (Heinemann, 2002)
“The Midsummer War” in This is War (Rigby, 2002)
“Mani’s Walk Alone” in Moving On (Rigby, 2002)
Whitemen (Oxford, 2003)
“Theseus and the Minotaur” in Getting Even (Rigby, 2004)
“The Diamond Cave” in All Alone (Rigby, 2004)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow (Egmont, 2004)
Whitemen (Oxford USA, 21 April 2005)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow (Crabtree, Canada, 2005)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow (Jilin Publishing, China, 2006)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow (Alice Korea, Korea, 2006)
“Sleepy Beauty” in Don’t Kiss the Frog (Kingfisher, 2008)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow: English Language edition (Sahoipyungnon, Korea, 2008)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow: English Language audio edition and workbooks (Sahoipyungnon, Korea, 2008)
Extract from The Stowaway in What Happens Next? (City of Edinburgh Publications Unit, 2008)
“Sleepy Beauty” in 6 Histoires de Princesses (Rouge et Or, 2008)
The Glow-worm Who Lost Her Glow (Makela: Finland, 2010)
The Man Who Invented Words: A six part musical drama with music by Mike Smith (BBC Radio Sheffield, 1979 and 1980)
The Piano Player (BBC Radio 4, 2003)
Dotheboys Hall: a dramatisation in All Alone (Rigby, 2004)